Effective Goal Setting
Effective Goal Setting
Have you ever found yourself feeling like you are always thinking about your craft but never actually getting anywhere? This weeks challenge is based in where we put our attention and how we might be able to make a bit more progress by focusing on the most important things to help us achieve out dreams. This is all about effective goal setting.
There are a lot of goal setting tutorials out there to help you set effective goals but, in my personal opinion, just having goals does not really do much for us outside of a little motivation and developing an understanding of what we intend to do. Just because you know where you want to go does not help you get there. This is where our attention comes into play. How much of your attention is being placed on outcome goals or all of the things that you want VS process oriented goals or all of the things you need to do to get there?
The Challenge
Don’t get me wrong, having outcomes goals are important however what is more important is engaging in and acting on the process to get there more often! Which leads me to the challenge of the week. In the comments section below, tell me what your big outcome goal is. What do you want? Then, write 3-5 process oriented goals or focuses that you can achieve on a day to day basis that will help you get what you want.